근‧현대 작품  Modern and Contemporary Works
경매기간: 응찰 후 10일이내(공휴일 제외) 오후 5시까지  Auction period: Within 10 days after bidding(excluding public holidays) until successful bid
유물(국보급 문화재)  Relics(National Treasure)
경매기간: 응찰 후 10일이내(공휴일 제외) 오후 5시까지  Auction period: Within 10 days after bidding(excluding public holidays) until successful bid
한국아트테크(미술품 공동구매기관)  Korea Art Tech Institute(Art joint purchase agency) 
KAPA Auction is committed to the spread of global Korean Wave culture and cultural development by leading transparent distribution and fair price competition in the art market along with the correct valuation of artworks.

꿈을 현실로 만드는 카파옥션
KAPA Auction where dreams become reality